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Chapter 14
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Chapter 16
Chapter 15: Importing and Exporting Information
(This is section 3 of 3 in this chapter)
Access lets you both import and export a wide range of files. Using the import and export capabilities built into Access, you can share data with virtually anyone. In this chapter, you have learned how to both import and export data.
Before moving on to Chapter 16, make sure you understand the following key concepts:
- Importing is the process of converting information from the format used by another program to a format understood by Access.
- Access can import files in many different formats. If none of the Access formats is native to the program from which you want to import a file, Access can use information that program saves to a text file.
- You can import a file by choosing the Get External Data option from the File menu, and then choosing Import from the submenu. Access walks you through importing each type of file.
- Exporting is the opposite of importing. Exporting is the process of converting information from the native Access format to a format needed by a different program.
- You export data by selecting a database object and choosing the Export option from the File menu. After you supply the desired format and a filename, Access takes care of the rest.
In Chapter 16, you will learn how to ensure the security of the data maintained by Access.
Learn Access Now!
Chapter 14
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Chapter 16