Learn Access Now!
Chapter 9
Previous Section in Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 10: Using Additional Tools
(This is section 5 of 5 in this chapter)
Access includes many tools which you can use to augment your database management tasks. These tools run the gamut, making it easier to both input information, maintain it, and work with tables as a whole. In this chapter you have learned how to use a number of those tools. While understanding how to use them is not critical to managing databases, doing so can make Access more valuable to you in the long run.
Before you move on to Chapter 11, make sure you understand the following key concepts:
- Access includes a spell checker that you can use to review and correct the spelling of words in your data.
- The spell-checking tool is shared with other Microsoft Office applications.
- You can add words to the dictionaries maintained by the spell checker. Those words are then available not only to Access, but also to other Office programs.
- The AutoCorrect tool allows you to specify words which should be replaced with other text as the words are typed.
- AutoCorrect can help you improve the quality of what you type, as well as make the entry of long words or phrases easier and faster.
- The table analysis tool looks at the data in a table and suggests different ways for that data to be organized. It can perform the reorganization, based on your approval.
- The Performance Analyzer tool examines your tables and other database objects to provide Recommendations, Suggestions, and Ideas on how those objects can be improved.
In Chapter 11, you will learn how you can use the information in your tables and queries with Word for Windows.
Learn Access Now!
Chapter 9
Previous Section in Chapter 10
Chapter 11